Our Fall 2020 meetings will be taking place online in light of the current circumstances. For information about our meetings and activities, follow us on our social media pages or contact us at ethicsbowluci@gmail.com. 2020 APPE Ethics Bowl Cases

Fall 2020 Virtual Regional Ethics Bowl @ Santa Clara University
December 5, 2020
UCI Team Members: Michelle Gutierrez, Anjali Nambiar, Chelsey Taniguchi, Jazmine Martinez, Manishka Ranjit, Pamela Nguyen
Coach: Aurora Garcia
Week 0
First General Meeting on Friday, 10/2/20 @ 4 pm
*Please make sure to head over to the Contact Tab and fill out the interest form to get the Zoom link to the meeting.*
Meet the board and get to know other philosophiles! We will discuss the Ethics Bowl competition and review
Case #12: Mugshots in Media
Week 1
General Meeting on Friday, 10/09/20 @ 4 pm*
Case #1: Protests and Property Destruction
Case #2: Mandatory Masks and Racial Profiling
Week 2
General Meeting on Friday, 10/16/20 @ 4 pm*
Case #4: Evictions and Foreclosures in the Time of Covid
Case #5: The death of living history?
Week 3
General Meeting on Friday, 10/23/20 @ 4 pm*
Case #6: "Central Park Karen's" Comeuppance
Case #8: The Good of the One v. The Good of the Many
Week 4
General Meeting on Friday, 10/30/20 @ 4 pm*
Case #9: Pay to Play
Case #11: Here Comes the Judge
Week 5
General Meeting on Friday, 11/06/20 @ 4 pm*
Case #15: One for the Road
Week 6
Club Social on Friday, 11/13/20 @ 4 pm*
Week 7
Mock Debate Practice on Friday, 11/20/20 @ 4 pm*
Case #13: What's in the Pudding?
Case #14: Organs at a Funeral
Mock Debate Practice on Friday, 11/27/20 @ 4 pm*
Week 8
Week 9
Mock Debate Practice on Friday, 12/04/20 @ 4 pm*
Regional Competition Date on Saturday, 12/05/20 @ 9 am-6 pm
Week 10
Club Social on Friday, 12/11/20 @ 4 pm*