What is Ethics Bowl?
Are you interested in ethics? Do you enjoy debating? Or are you looking for an interesting conversation?
The intercollegiate Ethics Bowl takes place annually across all regions of the Unites States, challenging students to think critically about moral and ethical dilemmas that have been faced in the real world. This debate-style competition is carried out in a round format with opposing teams presenting their sides of a given case and crafting counterarguments.
Unlike traditional debate competitions, what really makes Ethics Bowl unique is the fact that opposing teams can have the same moral stance concerning the presented arguments. In this way, teams are judged through both the presentation of their argument and how they further their opponent's position.
What does Ethics Bowl at UCI do?
Ethics Bowl at UCI holds open discussions regarding ethical dilemmas, hosts guest speakers, and conducts socials in addition to preparing for the annual competition.
Ethics and, more broadly, philosophy are such vast and diverse fields built on the ideas of individuals of all backgrounds and interests. We encourage students of all majors and academic concentrations to join our discussions. We are looking forward to the conversations that we will have as well as any ideas or suggestions you may have. If interested in joining, please feel free to contact us via the message box under the Contact tab, through our social media pages, or sending us an email at ethicsbowluci@gmail.com.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our meetings!